Digital Access
This unit is based on the resources available at (OVERVIEW Page (Digital Security))
"It is hard to imagine places on Earth not having access to the internet when you are using your computer at home with smartphone and tablet also within reach but places like this exist. In fact, some homes just down the street from you can't afford to have internet access because they've had to make the choice to spend on food and heating instead. Providing internet access to every home and person is a goal of our New Brunswick government but also governments around the world."
"It is hard to imagine places on Earth not having access to the internet when you are using your computer at home with smartphone and tablet also within reach but places like this exist. In fact, some homes just down the street from you can't afford to have internet access because they've had to make the choice to spend on food and heating instead. Providing internet access to every home and person is a goal of our New Brunswick government but also governments around the world."
What do we mean by "Access"?
- the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance; "They have access to the files."
- full electronic participation in society
Internet Access in Canada
Do some research on this New Brunswick company: Xplornet Communications Inc. (formerly Barrett Xplore Inc.)
- What can you find about this company?
- If you read the company's own press article, what does it tell you about digital access? Link to press / news release.
- Why is internet access so important? (If you don't think internet access is important, explain why.)
Internet Access in Another Country (Ecuador)
This article is about a country called Ecuador and how the government is trying to make education about "ICT".
- What does "ICT" stand for?
- What does it mean to build a knowledge economy? (You may need to search more for a good explanation.)
- What is a natural resource economy (or an economy based on natural resources)? Give examples of natural resources.
- How is a knowledge economy different from a natural resource economy?
- According to this article, why does the Ecuador government want to build their knowledge economy?
- Do you think Canada has a knowledge economy? If yes, then what does this mean? If I went to go looking for the knowledge economy, where would I find it?
Internet Privacy
- Visit Open Media's site and discover at least 2 different issues that Open Media is concerned about.
Explain them.
Provide a link to each article. - Choose one of these CBC links about Open Media. What was the issue?
- Link #1 (Internet Traffic Shaping - video only)
- Link #2 (Digital Privacy)
- Link #3 (Cell Phone Companies - audio only)
Next: Digital Law