CS 110 - Part 2 (By Nick Fullerton)Introduction to PBL in CS
Lesson slides
Encrypted Messages
Project - Can you Crack it? Simple Caesar Cipher Paz’f iaddk ur uf paqez’f iadw dustf. Ur qhqdkftuzs pup, kag’p nq agf ar m van. (Yaetqd’e Xmi ar Earfimdq Qzsuzqqduzs) Complex Cipher w):@%*%@5)&@130(3"..&3@26*5@)*4@+0#_@b&$"64&@)&@%*%/G5@(&5@"33":4N Resources - A place to shareCollective work - Sharing resources - Etherpad
PBL - ResourcesProgramming ResourcesPython Reference
Code for life Grok Blockly Games Blockly Programming Advanced Python Code.org Dev Blockly Learn Python the hard way Codecademy