Digital Rights & Responsibilities
This unit is based on the resources available at (OVERVIEW Page (Digital Security))
"There are known rules, responsibilities and rights that govern our lives every day. Some of these stem from guidelines thousands of years old and some are just plain common and decent sense. Our online lives are yet to have these rules provided and it is up to EACH OF US to create these COMMON and DECENT rules that protect our rights and provide us with responsibilities when engaging in our digital lives. The lives are not seperate and what happens online can change life offline, but YOU have to create the rules for online interaction and make sure they are solid enough to maintain balance and a general goodness to digital Earth."
"There are known rules, responsibilities and rights that govern our lives every day. Some of these stem from guidelines thousands of years old and some are just plain common and decent sense. Our online lives are yet to have these rules provided and it is up to EACH OF US to create these COMMON and DECENT rules that protect our rights and provide us with responsibilities when engaging in our digital lives. The lives are not seperate and what happens online can change life offline, but YOU have to create the rules for online interaction and make sure they are solid enough to maintain balance and a general goodness to digital Earth."
Rights & Responsibilities
There are some basic rights and responsibilities that you are expected to follow:
- Respecting and referencing others' hard work.
- Following policies and knowing terms of service.
- Using technology to improve not destroy lives.
- Reporting inappropriate use of technology immediately.
- Search online for the rights and responsibilities in Canada, the United States and other countries. Copy and paste 2-3 countries rights and responsibilities.
- Create your TOP 5 Digital Rights and your TOP 5 Digital Responsibilities
Some ideas, but yours should be unique and specific:
- Bullying & Cyberbullying
- Texting while driving, operating machinery, ...
- Privacy, Selling Demographic Data
- Accessing protected records (aka hacking)
- Downloading (songs, movies, games)
- Software Use (use of "cracked" versions)
Rights: "You have the right to be/expect ..."
Responsibilities: "You are responsible to/for ..." - What would you do differently if you knew that everything you do digitally was being tracked and recorded?
(2-3 sentences or 5-7 bullets)