Very sad to report that Vizwik has ceased operations (Sept '16)
Intro to Vizwik Data Unit
Try out Vizwik!
- Watch one of the Promo videos below.
- Create an account (the "onboarding" might take a while).
- You will need to use Chrome to use Vizwik.
- You will need to verify your email account. (If using IE, just click the link in your email. Then use Chrome to login to Vizwik again.)
- Want to join our classroom? Here's the join code: "5WYHRG".
- Then, try out one of the "Quick KITS" (inside Vizwik, in the right-hand buttons).
Get the Vizwik "MP3 Player" KIT
- Create a Vizwik account
- If you want, you can create a Vizwik Classroom (left-hand button), but not necessary.
- Click the "+" button (on the left-hand side) to Create a new Project
- It will likely default to the "Templates" available.
- Under the blue "Templates" button, click on "KITS".
- Now the list should change, and a blue "Purchase KITS" button should appear. (This one is free for us for today.)
- Select the "MP3 Player" and choose to Purchase it.
- If it asks for a classroom, then "My Account" is fine.
- If it asks, click to "Charge My Card" (as it's free for us today!)
- If you don't automatically get back to it, you may need to click the "+" button on the left-hand side to restart opening the KIT.
- Choose the "MP3 Player" KIT and click "Open".
- It will take a minute to re-configure the screen, but the Steps and Tasks will appear in the right-hand side.
VIZWIK Promo Videos
Vizwik Data Unit (for Info Tech 120)
This unit is currently under development and will be available for teachers on or before October 5, 2015, so please check back here then.
The space below will contain links to 3 pages - each page will contain YouTube videos that students can follow to develop a Vizwik Data App (that actually work on any phones that have the Google Chrome web browser installed -- also requires WiFi or a data plan).
The actual apps are still under development, so more information will be posted as it is available. To contact Graham directly, please use the Contact Form (which will send your responses as an email to him). |
Here's a promo video to explain Vizwik to new teachers.
The original video was 12 minutes (sorry), so used the "Speed Up" function in parts to shorten it to 4 minutes. The top version has music. The version beneath does not. To be able to read all the text in the video, try the 12 minute version at the bottom. (And my apologies for the bad webcam - guess I should have spent more than $3!) 4 minutes and with music!
Here's the same 4 minute Vizwik Promo, without the music.
4 minutes but no music
And here's the full unedited 12 minute Vizwik Promo video.
If you want to read what's on the screen, use this version. 12 minute version. Easy to read if using full screen mode.