Subtitle: Online Coding "Boot Camps" vs a CS Degree
... Longtime tech recruiter Dave Fecak is worried about the push towards fast-paced, truncated coding programs. “We as a nation, as we talk about the STEM shortage, we’re fostering a gold rush mentality that leads to these bootcamps with the promise of employment, promise of strong employment with strong demand and stability and a lot of money,” he said. “And a lot of the people that may get coerced into signing up for these bootcamps may end up with a lot of debt and not a lot of job offers.” He likens the trend to throwing bodies at the problem rather than addressing the industry’s real need for highly skilled developers. ...
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... Longtime tech recruiter Dave Fecak is worried about the push towards fast-paced, truncated coding programs. “We as a nation, as we talk about the STEM shortage, we’re fostering a gold rush mentality that leads to these bootcamps with the promise of employment, promise of strong employment with strong demand and stability and a lot of money,” he said. “And a lot of the people that may get coerced into signing up for these bootcamps may end up with a lot of debt and not a lot of job offers.” He likens the trend to throwing bodies at the problem rather than addressing the industry’s real need for highly skilled developers. ...
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